The University of Arizona College of Fine Arts

Graduation Convocation

Fall 2021

Victor Stephen Straub

Master of Fine Arts
Thesis: Two Point View: An Exploration of Movement and Music in The South Lung
Thesis Chair: Associate Professor Elizabeth George-Fesch

Thank you Caitlin! Thank you Meghan and Toño! Thank you Tammy! Thank you universe! Thank you Mom and Dad! And then whatever the Reverend Mother said to Maria about doors/windows opening/closing.

Leave a Message for Victor Stephen Straub

How to leave your message

Fill out this form to leave a video or written message (or both) for Victor Stephen Straub.

For video messages, the best option is to record a 5-10 second greeting using a smartphone’s camera app. Messages will only be visible to Victor Stephen Straub.

If you have any trouble or need assistance, please reach out to Cy at for assistance.

  • Max. file size: 1 MB.